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Gabriel Rh

How to Create and Manage Your Own Vault in Fallout Shelter - Free Download

Fallout Shelter Free Download: How to Play the Best Free-to-Play Game of 2015

If you are a fan of the Fallout series, or if you are looking for a fun and addictive simulation game, you should definitely try Fallout Shelter. Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play game that lets you create and manage your own vault in a post-apocalyptic world. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Fallout Shelter, including how to download it for free, how to play it, and how to make the most out of it.

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What is Fallout Shelter?

A brief introduction to the game and its features

Fallout Shelter is a game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and released in 2015. It is based on the popular Fallout franchise, which is set in a world devastated by nuclear war. In Fallout Shelter, you are the overseer of a vault, which is a secure underground facility designed to protect people from the radiation and dangers of the wasteland. Your job is to build and expand your vault, provide your dwellers with food, water, power, and entertainment, and protect them from threats such as raiders, radroaches, fires, and more.

Fallout Shelter has many features that make it an enjoyable and immersive game. You can customize your vault with various rooms, such as living quarters, diners, medbays, workshops, classrooms, gyms, and more. You can also craft items from junk, such as weapons, outfits, and stimpacks. You can send your dwellers on quests and missions to explore the wasteland and find loot. You can also breed your dwellers to increase your population and unlock new perks. You can even collect famous characters from the Fallout universe, such as Dogmeat, Piper, Nick Valentine, and more.

The benefits of playing Fallout Shelter

Playing Fallout Shelter is not only fun but also beneficial for your mental health. Here are some of the benefits of playing Fallout Shelter:

  • It stimulates your creativity and problem-solving skills. You have to plan and design your vault layout, optimize your resources, and deal with various challenges.

  • It boosts your mood and reduces stress. You can enjoy the humor and charm of the game, interact with your dwellers, and watch them grow and thrive.

  • It improves your attention span and memory. You have to keep track of your dwellers' names, stats, skills, and needs.

  • It enhances your social skills and communication. You can chat with other players online, share tips and strategies, and exchange gifts.

How to download Fallout Shelter for free?

The different platforms and devices that support the game

Fallout Shelter is available for free on various platforms and devices. You can play it on:

  • Windows PC. You can download it from Steam or

  • Android devices. You can download it from Google Play Store.

  • iOS devices. You can download it from App Store.

  • Xbox One. You can download it from Microsoft Store.PlayStation 4. You can download it from PlayStation Store.

  • Nintendo Switch. You can download it from Nintendo eShop.

The steps to download and install the game on each platform

The steps to download and install Fallout Shelter are similar for each platform. Here are the general steps:

  • Go to the store or website of your chosen platform and search for Fallout Shelter.

  • Select the game and click on the download or install button.

  • Wait for the game to download and install on your device.

  • Launch the game and enjoy!

Note: You may need to create an account or sign in to your existing account on some platforms. You may also need to have enough storage space on your device to download and install the game.

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How to play Fallout Shelter?

The basics of building and managing your vault

When you start playing Fallout Shelter, you will be asked to choose a vault number and a difficulty level. The vault number is a random three-digit number that identifies your vault. The difficulty level affects how often disasters and attacks occur in your vault. You can choose between easy, normal, and hard modes.

After that, you will enter the tutorial mode, where you will learn the basics of building and managing your vault. You will see a side view of your vault, with different rooms and dwellers. You can zoom in and out, scroll left and right, and tap on any room or dweller to interact with them.

Your main goal is to keep your dwellers happy and productive. To do that, you need to provide them with enough food, water, and power. These are the three main resources that you can see at the top of the screen. Each resource has a bar that shows how much you have and how much you need. If any of the bars turn red, it means you have a shortage of that resource, which can affect your dwellers' happiness and health.

To produce more resources, you need to build more rooms. There are three types of rooms: production rooms, training rooms, and special rooms. Production rooms are where you generate food, water, and power. Training rooms are where you improve your dwellers' skills and stats. Special rooms are where you craft items, heal dwellers, breed dwellers, etc.

To build a room, you need to spend caps, which are the currency of the game. You can earn caps by completing objectives, collecting resources, sending dwellers on quests, etc. To build a room, you need to tap on the hammer icon at the bottom right corner of the screen, then select the room type and size, then drag it to an empty space in your vault.

You can also upgrade your rooms to increase their efficiency and capacity. To upgrade a room, you need to tap on it, then tap on the arrow icon at the bottom right corner of the screen, then pay the required amount of caps.

To assign dwellers to rooms, you need to drag them from the list at the bottom of the screen or from another room. Each dweller has six stats: strength (S), perception (P), endurance (E), charisma (C), intelligence (I), and agility (A). Each stat corresponds to a certain type of room. For example, strength is good for power rooms, perception is good for water rooms, etc. You can see each dweller's stats by tapping on them or by looking at their outfit color. The higher the stat, the better they perform in that room. The tips and tricks to keep your dwellers happy and productive

Besides providing enough resources, you also need to keep your dwellers happy and productive. Happiness affects the efficiency of your rooms and the amount of caps you earn. Productivity affects the speed of your resource generation and the quality of your items. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your dwellers happy and productive:

  • Match your dwellers with their ideal jobs. Each dweller has a preferred stat that they excel at. You can see their preferred stat by looking at the letter with a plus sign next to their name. Assign them to the room that matches their preferred stat to increase their happiness and productivity.

Give your dwellers outfits and weapons. Outfits can boost your dwellers' stats and make them more efficient in their rooms. Weapons can help your dwellers defend themselves from enemies and explore the wasteland. You can find outfits and weapons from loot boxes, quests, crafting, etc. To equip your dwellers with outfits and weapons, you need to tap on them, then tap on the gear icon at


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