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Market Research Group

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Waylon Green
Waylon Green

My Talking Angela: A Super Fun Virtual Pet Game with Awesome Activities

Well, if talking angela was hacked, and it is, would the people be able to take it down? No they wouldnt be able to .. my advice get some common sense and dont download it . I downloaded it and i saw that its all true.. but what others dont know is that its not just talking angela, its talking ginger too.. talking ginger wont do anything but take pics.if u look into her eyes u see a room and someone just takes pictures of u thats it .. the sad thing is that im twelve and i evidently know more than u so take my advice : DONT DOWNLOAD TALKING ANGELA or talking ginger !!!

I think all of you need to shut up! Angela may or may not be real, but even if she isnt people are still aloud to think whatever they want! Me personally think that I should take precautions so I am not getting anymore apps from Outfit7, and that is NO REASON FOR YOU ALL TO BE HATING! All of the people that are saying Angela is perfectly safe, than why are people who are getting the app all of a sudden getting dirty messages, huh? And how come it happened to millions of people? I have actually witnessed the things angela has done, so I suggest you should NOT get the app. But that is YOUR choice! I am jusst giving my educated advice, I am not trying to make you do anything, but if you want to stay safe and keep your information and pictures of yourself TO YOURSLEF, then I suggest you DO NOT get this app.

i want to download my talking angela

The person who talks back is not your voice when you type something on talking Angela you know how it takes a second for her to say something there is a guy behind all of this that is a hacker typing all of that stuff my friend who wanted to see what the guy would say he said a typo he said I was talking a little cat rap instead of cat nap. Delete this app now he gets all of your information he asked me what my name was and he goes on saying other things when I ask a question. My friend typed to him I know you are a hacker and the person said I like complements. When you type the chocolate thing or cookie this I don't really know what it is it wants your picture so the guy can see what you look like. Parents do not get this game the game finds all of your information. Angela asks how old are you and when you take those quizzes the guy that answers back wants to know what you are like and finds your information there. DO NOT BUY THIS APP AND DELETE ALL TALKING APPS.


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